Never before released

The Global Peter Drucker Forum has hosted the world's top thinkers in leadership and management each year in Vienna, Austria since 2009. Recordings of these discussions and speakers has never been shared publicly...until now!

The entire library is powered by Soar AI

  • Complete Library

    Now in one place, managers and leaders around the world can experience all of Global Peter Drucker Forum's best moments. 

  • Enhanced with AI

    For the first time AI technology decodes and unlocks video content, giving viewers a better experience than ever. 

  • Search & Share

    Soar's video deep search delivers powerful insights in the context of what viewers are trying to learn. Insights are magnified by easy sharing to spread ideas across the broader global community. 

Power Your Video Library with Soar

You can enhance your video library with AI. Give richer insights to viewers. Unlock powerful clips and higlights. Enable deep search across every word spoken. Turn content into viral, shareable clips. 

Not Just Another Video Platform

Drucker Society realized that to create real impact required far more than traditional video hosting services could provide. Rather, they needed a platform that could unlock the meaning and insights to be found within their video library. 

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Hear directly from Richard Straub

President of Global Peter Drucker Forum

  • Straub - Podcast Guest
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    A.I. to Uplift Humanity Podcast - Featured Guest

    Listen to Richard's perspective in this episode, titled "What would Peter Drucker think about using AI to track employees?" Available now in Spotify and Apple Podcasts