Lean Startup + AI

Eric Ries's "The Lean Startup" advocates a global methodology that transforms company and product development through validated learning and rapid experimentation, enabling startups to manage uncertainty and innovate continuously while avoiding traditional pitfalls.

You can now use AI to ensure you are consistently and correctly applying the Lean Startup method.

The lean startup by eric ries english books growth mindset start ups growth thinking books for

How it Works

AI joins Your Calls

The SOAR AI bot will start joining your calls, transcribing your conversations and provide summaries to all your invitees.

See Improvement

The Lean Startup AI will analyze your performance and provide helpful feedback to help you apply the methodology to all your interactions.

AI to ensure startup success

Integrate effective Lean Startup principles into your professional life. By using these tools, you can better understand and implement strategies for 

  • rapid experimentation, 
  • measuring outcomes, 
  • learning from experiments, and 
  • continuously improving your product or service 

This structured approach will lead to enhanced innovation, efficiency, customer satisfaction, and startup success.

Lean startup dashboard 1 (3)

Consistent Feedback to Fuel Results

Get consistent performance feedback over time making you a more effective entrepreneur. The actionable feedback provided by this module helps fuel decisions and drive success. Like getting one-on-one leadership coaching after every meeting.

Lean startup dashboard 1 (4)

AI Compatible with all Major Meeting Platforms

Bring your AI assistant to every video call across all major video conferencing platforms as host or a guest. Compatable with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet

Trust and inspire dashboard

Set it and Forget it

With full calendar integration, you can ensure that your AI assistant joins every meeting without having to remember each time.

Get started today

Create an account and see immediate results today!

Want a SOAR AI module for your own method?

Let's talk! The professional team at SOAR AI is eager to build an AI module that supports your methods and practices. Tell us a little about you, and we can get started!